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mini-cafe.tr.gg deneme sayfası

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House, Devon House, Gregory $(function() { var hideDelay = 500; var currentID; var hideTimer = null; // One instance that's reused to show info for the current person var container = $('
' + '' + '' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + '' + '' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + '' + '' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + '' + '
' + '
'); $('body').append(container); $('.personPopupTrigger').live('mouseover', function() { // format of 'rel' tag: pageid,personguid var settings = $(this).attr('rel').split(','); var pageID = settings[0]; currentID = settings[1]; // If no guid in url rel tag, don't popup blank if (currentID == '') return; if (hideTimer) clearTimeout(hideTimer); var pos = $(this).offset(); var width = $(this).width(); container.css({ left: (pos.left + width) + 'px', top: pos.top - 5 + 'px' }); $('#personPopupContent').html(' '); $.ajax({ type: 'GET', url: 'personajax.aspx', data: 'page=' + pageID + '&guid=' + currentID, success: function(data) { // Verify that we're pointed to a page that returned the expected results. if (data.indexOf('personPopupResult') < 0) { $('#personPopupContent').html('Page ' + pageID + ' did not return a valid result for person ' + currentID + '. Please have your administrator check the error log.'); } // Verify requested person is this person since we could have multiple ajax // requests out if the server is taking a while. if (data.indexOf(currentID) > 0) { var text = $(data).find('.personPopupResult').html(); $('#personPopupContent').html(text); } } }); container.css('display', 'block'); }); $('.personPopupTrigger').live('mouseout', function() { if (hideTimer) clearTimeout(hideTimer); hideTimer = setTimeout(function() { container.css('display', 'none'); }, hideDelay); }); // Allow mouse over of details without hiding details $('#personPopupContainer').mouseover(function() { if (hideTimer) clearTimeout(hideTimer); }); // Hide after mouseout $('#personPopupContainer').mouseout(function() { if (hideTimer) clearTimeout(hideTimer); hideTimer = setTimeout(function() { container.css('display', 'none'); }, hideDelay); }); });
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